AutoML tool for RAG

AutoRAG helps you to find the best RAG pipeline automatically.

Fastest way to boost
RAG performance

Finding the great module for your RAG pipeline needs many trials and erros. AutoRAG automize that process, helps you to boost RAG performance superfast.

All you need is YAML

Implementing RAG modules manually is challenging and uncertain. AutoRAG simplifies this with easy YAML file configuration for RAG experiments.

Evaluation data

To run AutoRAG, you need dataset.
AutoRAG supports RAG evaluation dataset generation.


You can analyze AutoRAG result with dashboard. Get insights about your RAG performance.

Web demo

After optimization, you can try it immediately using streamlit web demo. Ask anything to your RAG.

Accurate Metrics

AutoRAG uses the most accurate metrics for evaluation RAG performance. It does not depend on only LLM.

Install AutoRAG now

Do want to use AutoRAG? You can install it on pypi. Just run
pip install AutoRAG

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